- 0
2024-12-20 08:09.59: New job: docker build { "commit": "63c8605bc6178661e5126923ec562f131b38e48b", "dockerfile": { "file": "Dockerfile" }, "docker_context": null, "squash": false, "buildx": false, "build_args": [], "path": null } 2024-12-20 08:09.59: Checking out commit 63c8605b. To reproduce: git clone --recursive "" && cd "" && git fetch origin "refs/pull/960/head" && git reset --hard 63c8605b 2024-12-20 08:09.59: Exec: "cp" "-a" "--" "/var/lib/ocurrent/var/git/" "/tmp/git-checkout2a9c4633" 2024-12-20 08:10.03: Exec: "git" "-C" "/tmp/git-checkout2a9c4633" "submodule" "deinit" "--force" "--all" 2024-12-20 08:10.03: Exec: "git" "-C" "/tmp/git-checkout2a9c4633" "reset" "--hard" "-q" "63c8605bc6178661e5126923ec562f131b38e48b" 2024-12-20 08:10.05: Exec: "git" "-c" "protocol.file.allow=always" "-C" "/tmp/git-checkout2a9c4633" "submodule" "update" "--recursive" "--init" "--no-fetch" 2024-12-20 08:10.05: Exec: "docker" "build" "--pull" "-f" "/tmp/git-checkout2a9c4633/Dockerfile" "--iidfile" "/tmp/git-checkout2a9c4633/docker-iid" "--" "/tmp/git-checkout2a9c4633" DEPRECATED: The legacy builder is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Install the buildx component to build images with BuildKit: Sending build context to Docker daemon 422.7MB Step 1/26 : FROM ocaml/opam:alpine-3.18-ocaml-4.14 as build alpine-3.18-ocaml-4.14: Pulling from ocaml/opam Digest: sha256:6562ccef6f1bd69667ffc37da85739bd435983b0eb217ca497e9e19f783ac513 Status: Downloaded newer image for ocaml/opam:alpine-3.18-ocaml-4.14 ---> dd339a105bca Step 2/26 : RUN sudo apk update && sudo apk add --update libev-dev openssl-dev gmp-dev oniguruma-dev inotify-tools curl-dev imagemagick autoconf ---> Using cache ---> c4e64a3e3ef6 Step 3/26 : RUN cd opam-repository && git pull origin 13d5334f87e9684897511adf5d1c6fffd36d66e9 ---> Using cache ---> 2cc797d7c8ee Step 4/26 : RUN opam update ---> Using cache ---> e9c03add1dc8 Step 5/26 : WORKDIR /home/opam ---> Using cache ---> 3367720584e4 Step 6/26 : ADD tarides-com.opam tarides-com.opam ---> Using cache ---> 723375334038 Step 7/26 : RUN opam install . --deps-only ---> Using cache ---> 160caf79c326 Step 8/26 : COPY --chown=opam:opam data/ data/ ---> 4e3d2382e909 Step 9/26 : COPY --chown=opam:opam src/gen src/gen ---> f56b29f01be9 Step 10/26 : COPY --chown=opam:opam dune-project . ---> 8274ec12f8c5 Step 11/26 : COPY --chown=opam:opam ./ . ---> c45580189f4d Step 12/26 : RUN opam exec -- ./ ---> Running in 3eeb74a00edb + dune exec -- src/gen/main.exe file.dune + dune build @convert Removing intermediate container 3eeb74a00edb ---> 83f649652b1f Step 13/26 : COPY --chown=opam:opam . . ---> b88d345b533e Step 14/26 : RUN opam exec -- dune build @install --profile=release ---> Running in f7e374088534 Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run: npx update-browserslist-db@latest Why you should do it regularly: Rebuilding... Done in 1240ms. Removing intermediate container f7e374088534 ---> 9a4996d8f5ff Step 15/26 : FROM alpine:3.18 as run 3.18: Pulling from library/alpine Digest: sha256:2995c82e8e723d9a5c8585cb8e901d1c50e3c2759031027d3bff577449435157 Status: Image is up to date for alpine:3.18 ---> 8c86d514f886 Step 16/26 : RUN apk update && apk add --update libev gmp git oniguruma-dev ---> Using cache ---> b6ad4edf7692 Step 17/26 : RUN chmod -R 755 /var ---> Using cache ---> 41b5e51bbac9 Step 18/26 : COPY --from=build /home/opam/_build/install/default/bin/server /bin/server ---> f36e2df3bf2b Step 19/26 : COPY --from=build /home/opam/data/images/ /data/images/ ---> a7aab342df17 Step 20/26 : COPY --from=build /home/opam/data/fonts/ /data/fonts/ ---> 7d9603528308 Step 21/26 : COPY --from=build /home/opam/data/blog/images/ /data/blog/images/ ---> 866e4da183de Step 22/26 : COPY --from=build /home/opam/data/team/ /data/team/ ---> 3764cdc5909b Step 23/26 : COPY --from=build /home/opam/data/css/ /data/css/ ---> 4636559159fc Step 24/26 : COPY --from=build /home/opam/data/js/ /data/js/ ---> 1d4044256df8 Step 25/26 : EXPOSE 8080 ---> Running in 320247eb0505 Removing intermediate container 320247eb0505 ---> 89eda8d788ae Step 26/26 : ENTRYPOINT /bin/server --static-files /data ---> Running in f33637d4b188 Removing intermediate container f33637d4b188 ---> 6a90f99c0141 Successfully built 6a90f99c0141 2024-12-20 08:16.52: Job succeeded